Q: What happens to the money that is collected from the lunch program?
A: The school lunch program is 100% self-sufficient, meaning that it is not supported by the school department's operating budget or by tax dollars. The revenue that is collected from the sale of lunches pays the department's expenses for food, salaries, supplies, and equipment.

Q: Who plans the school lunch menus?
A: The menus are planned by Emily Murphy, the Director of Nutrition Services, and Jen Tuttelman, Assistant Director of Nutrition Services.

Q: Can schools serve any food they want?
A: The menus must meet the new USDA meal pattern standards, based on the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. Needham menus voluntarily have met higher nutrition standards than required.

Q: What can I do if my child has a food allergy?
A: Contact your child's school nurse. Allergy information is provided to our office from school nurses. Use the link in the left sidebar regarding Food Allergies and review the documents. You can call Jen Tuttelman, RD at (781) 455-0400 x11237 to discuss ingredients in particular menu items.

Q: How can I prepay for my child's lunches?
A: By check or online. Please use visit the LINQ Connect portal to pay online.

Q: Can I pay online?
A: Yes. Please use visit the LINQ Connect portal to pay online.

Q: If my child is just an occasional lunch buyer, can I still prepay for lunches?
A: Yes. Any prepaid monies into the system will be honored into the next school year.

Q: Can I see what my child is buying?
A: Yes. Once you've registered on the parent portal, you can view your child's meal account and purchase history.
Q: Does Needham School District have a Wellness Policy?
A: Yes. Please click on "Nutrition and Wellness" to access the policy.
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