District Priority 4

District Priority 4



In support of District Priority 4, these are the focus areas:


Health & Safety

Our primary focus was on a return to the school buildings for full time instruction. Continued emphasis on health and safety measures, ventilation and maintenance protocols, and communication and dialogue with the Joint Committee on Health and Safety formed the foundation for much of the 2021-2022 work. We collaborated with DESE, the Town's Department of Public Health and Building Maintenance Division to keep our schools healthy, clean, safe and open for student learning.


Human Resources

Another important area of focus was recruiting and supporting a qualified and diverse staff. We continued with a robust hiring strategy which resulted in an increase in the number of staff of color in the district. We addressed the challenge of staffing shortages in classrooms, cafeterias, and transportation by having administrators and

teachers pitching in to help with an “All hands on deck” mentality. As a result, not a day of learning was stopped and we were able to support the health and safety needs of all.


School Facilities

After reviewing the School Facilities Master Plan Extension Study, the district recommended a facilities plan to move forward in addressing the need for replacement of Mitchell Elementary School and renovation and expansion of Pollard as a grade 6 to 8 campus. In addition, we collaborated with various Town committees to secure design and construction funds from Town Meeting for the historic renovation of the Emery Grover School Administration & Operations Building.

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