
Physical Education

At the elementary level, our goal is to teach students basic skills and concepts that will become the foundation for a lifetime commitment to health and well-being. Towards this end, we have adopted a skill themes approach to physical education (Graham et. al. 1993). The goal of a skill themes model is to design lessons that help children to practice and develop fundamental skills and movement competencies that enable them to participate in a wide variety of physical activities with success and enjoyment. As basic skills are learned, they are applied to a wide variety of games, dance, gymnastics, fitness, and adventure activities. As students become skillful, they begin to develop positive attitudes about themselves and about physical activity. It is our hope that this will lead them to choose to be physically active throughout their lives.

In addition to psychomotor skills, fitness and wellness concepts are interwoven throughout the program. Teachers also introduce and practice specific social and emotional skills that contribute to childrens’ success in school.

Health Education

One formal health education unit is taught by a health educator to students in grade five. This is an eight lesson unit on Growth and Development. Prior to beginning this unit, fifth grade parents are invited to a parent information night (usually in January) to view the curriculum and to learn more about the unit. All other elementary health education is the responsibility of the classroom teacher.

Check the teacher web pages for specific information about the physical education and heath programs in your school.

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