
Head Injuries and Concussions

A concussion is a type of Traumatic Brain Injury that changes the way the brain normally works. A concussion may result from a direct blow or indirect blow to the head or a jolt of the head from a fall or blow to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth.

The potential for a concussion is greatest during activities where collisions may occur: during sports activities, physical education class, or playground time.

Concussions may be life-altering or life-threatening if not treated correctly or aggressively.

The Needham Public Schools (NPS) seeks to prevent concussions and provide a safe return to academics, physical activity, and athletics, for all students after a head injury.

What to do if your student has had a concussion:

1. Seek medical consultation. If there has been loss of consciousness (even briefly) person should be taken immediately to the hospital or MD office for evaluation. For concussions not involving loss of consciousness, report symptoms to primary care provider (PCP) right away for advice about how to proceed.

2. Brain and Physical Rest is the main treatment for a concussion. Doing as little as possible will allow symptoms to begin clearing and a graduated return to school and sports will be planned.

3. Proper evaluation. Make sure to get written clearance from PCP or specialist who understands current concussion management protocols before resuming activities. Progression is very individualized and is determined on a case-by-case basis. Factors affecting progression include: duration and type of symptoms, previous history of concussion, and type of sport/activity participation.

4. Inform your child’s school nurse if he/she has experienced a concussion and to discuss the procedures and plans for your child’s return to academics, physical activity, and athletics.


Concussion information for parents and guardians 

Needham Public School Concussion Protocol 

Needham Public Schools Concussion Policy

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